In our country, governments education control blocks the flowing of education productive factors greatly, thus the law of education production cost pricing is interrupted, and this has led quick in. 在我国,由于办学管制阻碍了教育生产要素的顺利流动,教育成本难以对教育价格进行调节,这是造成我国高等教育学费不断上涨的根本原因。
Study the Law of Vocational Education and Promote the Orderly Development of the Vocational Education 学习贯彻《职业教育法》推进高职教育的有序发展
This essay bases on the law of education, the features of teaching and principle of teaching to raise some requirements on teaching management in the new time. 揭示教育规律是教育理论研究的根本任务,文章对当前教育规律研究的状况进行了反思,同时思考并追问教育规律研究的一系列问题。
Road to education research& Detailed inquiry about research of law of education 教育研究,路在何方&关于教育规律研究的追问
Coverting educational thought and rereading the "law of education" 转换教育思维重读“教育规律”
The management of non-governmental schools should abide by and follow the law of Education Management and School Management. 民办学校的管理遵循教育管理和学校管理的一般规律。
"Active Adaptation": The Interpretation of Law of Higher Education 主动适应:高等教育规律的解读
To study conduct of education and law of education is a meaty work. 对教育行为、教育规律进行数量化研究是很有意义的工作。
On the Study of the Law of Education 法之生效的研究
Amendments to Japan's Basic Law of Education: A Change in the Basic Concept of Education in Japan 日本《教育基本法》的修改与教育基本理念的转变
Based on Marxist educational economy and property theory, the thesis, centering on the quality of investment and the law of education development, has made a research on the quality of China's education products and its benefits of education investment in the reform period. 本文坚持以马克思主义教育经济思想为指导,以产权理论为背景,紧紧围绕投资活动的本质和教育发展规律,对转型期我国教育产品的性质、教育投资效益进行了较深入的研究;
Since the law is constructed by rights and duties, teachers's legal rights and duties are the materials constituting the law of education. 法的大厦是以权利义务为材料构筑起来的,教师的法定权利义务就是教育法的构筑材料。
The development of education should grasp and respect not only the law of education but also the law of society and economy development. 教育的发展不仅要自觉地把握和尊重教育的客观规律,而且还要尊重社会和经济发展的客观规律。
Law of education and value are scientific laws that must be abided by for colleges to realize their cultivation goal under socialist market economic circumstances. 教育规律与价值规律是社会主义市场经济条件下高校实现培养目标必须遵循的科学规律。
The CBE Theory Method settled the problem faced by the vocational school of relationships between the teaching and the ability cultivation, and it is fully embodied the law of vocational education. CBE理论方法较好地解决了职业教育中面临的教学与能力培养之间关系的问题,充分体现了职业教育的规律。
Under the guidance of scientific development conception, educational reform and development should be based on teachers and students, follow the immanent law of education, manage educational macro-regulation and five unifications, so that it can help to realize the goal of full development of people. 在科学发展观的指导下,教育改革与发展要以学生、教师为本,尊重教育的内在规律,做好教育宏观调控,做好五个统筹,以实现教育促进人的全面发展的目标。
The educational aesthetics should comprehend and grasp beauty according to the creative law of education. 教育美学要从教育自身的创造规律来理解和把握美。
The law of teacher education demands integration of teacher education; 教师教育一体化是教师教育内在规律的客观要求;
In 1990's, "happy education" a new pattern of education, which accorded with the law of education, the specific condition of our country as well as the characteristic of children's age, psychology and knowledge development, has sprung up vigorously. 上世纪九十年代,在我国蓬勃兴起的愉快教育,是符合教育规律,符合我国国情,符合儿童年龄、心理、知识等特点及其发展的新型教育。
How to improve the quality of higher education and educate highly qualified talent, the writer thinks that we should handle the profit for running school and following the law of education correctly, quantity and quality, education quantity and education quality first. 如何提高高等教育的质量,培养高素质人才,文章认为,首先,要正确处理好办学效益和遵循教育规律、质量和数量、教育质量和素质教育的关系;
With the expansion of scales and extraordinary development, higher vocational colleges face the challenges of following the law of education and nurturing qualified citizens. 高等职业技术教育在扩大办学规模、实现超常规发展的同时,遵循教育规律,培养合格公民是当前所有高职院校面临的共同挑战。
TV University teaching can't ignore its character besides following the common law of education. 电大教学除了遵循教育学的一般规律外,还不能忽视电大教学的自身特点。
The law of education can, t be replaced by that of market economy. 市场经济的规律不能代替教育自身的规律。
Unconscious education, just according to this law of education, makes pupils inspired unconsciously and achieve good education results. 隐蔽化教育就是按照这条教育规律,让学生在无意中受到启发,从而取得良好的教育效果。
Adhering to the national policies for education and following the law of education, grades are to meet with the requirements of schools, to set its own aim independently, and to exercise the administrative power on educational resources. 年级组在贯彻国家教育方针,遵循教育规律的前提下,围绕学校办学总体要求,自主确定年级管理目标,行使对教育资源的管理权。
Market; culture and law of the education for the entrepreneurs of agriculture. 分析了影响我国农业企业家培育的制度、市场、文化和法律等环境因素;
Each civil citizen has an equal opportunity to receive education, which is our fundamental right guaranteed by law of Education. 平等地受教育机会是《教育法》赋予每个公民的基本权利。
The establishment of law of education clerical staff is of great significance to carry out scientific development concept, promote the institution governance by law, and provide legislative protection for the selection, appointment, employment, assessment, education and training of the institution administrators. 制定《中华人民共和国教育职员法》对于贯彻科学发展观,推进依法治校,为学校管理人员的选拔、任用、评聘、考核、教育、培训等提供法律依据有着十分重要而深远的意义。
A Reconsideration of Studies in Law of Education 关于教育规律问题研究的反思
So, it is necessary to add the requirement for cultivating qualified citizens for the socialist society in the current educational guiding prircipl ■ and in the law of education. 应在现行的教育方针中增加培养社会主义社会的合格公民的表述,在修改教育法时增加培养社会主义社会的合格公民的规定。